Week 1 - hubby was away with work and of an evening the Sabe was worth its weight in gold to both settle and soothe and allow me to bath my older daughter, get ready for bed, etc. I even managed to do some choreography for a children's dance workshop I'm holding!
Week 2 - football camp and using the sling for drop-off and pick ups was great as there was usually quite a bit of standing around whilst they were registered/dismissed and the car park was a bit of a trek from the meeting point. I was looking out for other Sabe babywearers and although I didn't see anyone else with a sabe, I saw a Connecta, a Baba sling and a Manduca, so a pretty good showing on the babywearing front there!
Week 3 - We've had the first immunisations (the sling was a life-saver!) and first trip to the dentist, both of them on the same day (am I mad?!) and both using the trusty Sabe sling, followed by a trip to a nearby park. We've also been on a family walk and the Sabe held up very well for longer distances too. Super comfy.
Week 4 - Good news for babywearing - I ended up giving an impromptu Sabe sling demo at my last baby massage class at our local Sure Start Centre! One of the mamas already had a Sabe, but wanted to try a hip carry. I haven't done the hip carry recently, but I showed her and then my Bubba fell asleep like that, so it was obvs really comfy!! She seems to like resting her head on my shoulder while she sleeps, lol! I would really only use it once she has full head control. Hers is particularly good, but for general use, I'll wait until she's a little older before using the hip carry regularly. The "session" ended up with the Sure Start centre asking for leaflets and posters to put up and talk about to the mums who use the centre. I was really pleased, as I'm never sure whether they can advertise businesses and products in the centres, although at ante-natal clinics it is being reported locally that the NHS are showing a promo video from Baby Bjorn about their carriers ( shame the NHS haven't done their research - is it any wonder most people don't realise there is a comfier and ergonomically better option.....I'll get off my soap box now!!).
Second REALLY exciting thing in week 4 of the holidays is a sudden family trip out to meet some friends and their kids to see a meteor shower.......it was absolutely amazing. I've never seen anything like it, after a while we lost count of all the "shooting stars" we were seeing, some were small flashes, some had huge light trails, some were tinged with red - magnificent! The Sabe was ideal to keep squish warm and snug with a snow suit on and my MAM babywearing cover, which also conveniently covered my knees whilst I sat on my deckchair watching natures firework display - wonderful! I felt like I was "extreme babywearing"!
I am friends with the owner of the company. We met when I was asked through a mutual friend to model for the initial advertising shots when the company launched in 2009. I was a babywearer already and was really impressed with the products and proceeded to use the stretchy Sa-Be daily until my daughter was 18 months old and on several occasions until she was 3 years old.
All the opinions about the SaBe slings in my blog are my own, but any factual information such as pricing, availability, safety testing, etc is checked with the company and accurate at the time of publishing the post.
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